Any xenophobia is purely accidental.

I was perusing the internet for more information on the Vatt and came across the press release below. As well as including a bit from a Mr Luca Conte, 42 ( oh yeah), from London, the translation is absolutely hilarious. Apparently Mr Conte brought a group last year for the half distance and is attempting the 300km distance because they had all asked if we could
not do the full distance.
From there down the press release gets a little crazy.
Personally I'm looking forward to the refreshments which include 160,000 Bunsens.The release goes on to say that these will help the Cyclists in the three events
cannabis CompleteCare Their challenge Safely.
Monday 4 April 2011
The world's largest organized bicycle ride, Vätternrundan, starting and finishing in Motala, Sweden, will take place on June 17th-18th, for the 46th consecutive year. The World's Largest Organized bicycle ride, cycling, starting and finishing in Motala, Sweden, Will Take Place on June 17th-18th, for the 46th Consecutive Year.
The main event, which runs for 300 km around the scenic Lake Vättern, is fully booked with 22,000 cyclists for the full distance, although places are still available for the half-distance Halvvättern and the 100 km ladies' event Tjejvättern. The Main Event, Which runs for 300 km around the scenic Lake water, ice Fully booked with 22.000 Cyclists for the full distance, although places ARE still available for the half-distance Halvvättern & the 100 km ladies' event Tjejvättern. Over 30,000 cyclists will participate in the three events combined. Over 30.000 Cyclists Will Participate in The Three Events Combined.
This year sees the highest number of participants ever, as the number of starting slots for the 300 km run has been increased. This Year Sees The Highest Number of Participants ever, as the number of starting slots for the 300 km run Has Been Increased. Beginning at 19.30 hrs on Friday the 17th of June, groups of 60-70 cyclists are dispatched every other minute throughout the night, until 06.00 hrs on Saturday morning. Beginning at 19:30 hrs on Friday the 17th of June, groups of 60-70 Cyclists ARE dispatched everythin Other minute throughout the night, Until 06:00 hrs on Thursday morning. Most cyclists finish in less than 12 hours, although anything between 8 and 20 hours is considered normal. Most Cyclists finish in Less Than 12 Hours, although anything Between 8 and 20 hours ice Considered normal.
“The three events attract recreational cyclists from all over the world and of widely varying ability, from the novice to the seasoned pro. "The three events Attract Recreational Cyclists from all over the world and of widely Varying portability, from the novice to the seasoned pro. But whatever the level of cycling experience, a healthy stamina is required to complete Vätternrundan and we recommend that participants complete at least 1,000 km in pre-season training for the full distance. But whatever the level of cycling experience, a Healthy stamina is required to complete in cycling and we recommend That Participants complete at least, 1.000 km in pre-season training for the full distance. The 300 km route can be very demanding, so for less experienced cyclists we recommend the shorter Halvvättern and Tjejvättern events,” says Eva-Lena Frick, general manager of Vätternrundan. The 300 km route Can Be very demanding, so for Less Experienced Cyclists we recommend The Short Halvvättern and Tjejvättern events, "says Eva-Lena Frick, general manager of Comfort Bike.
This year sees a record number of participants from overseas, 4,548. This Year Sees a Record Number of Participants from overseas, 4.548. One of the fastest growing groups is the one from the United Kingdom, which has increased by 16% to 228 participants this year. One of the fastest growing groups is the one from the United Kingdom, Which Increased speed by 16% to 228 Participants this year. However the largest single increase is noted by Italy with 28 cyclists this year, compared to just one in the previous year. However the the Largest Single Increase ice noted by Italy with 28 Cyclists this year, compared to just one in the previous year.
One of the 2010 participants who has signed up again for this year is Luca Conte, 42, from London. One of the 2010 Participants WHO HAS Signed up again for this year is Luca Conte, 42, from London. Last year, he took part in Halvvättern. Last year, he Took part in Halvvättern. This year he is going for the full 300 km. This year he is going for the full 300.
“We took out a group of customers from the UK as a corporate event and they all enjoyed it so much that they asked if we couldn't do the full distance this year. "We Took out a group of customers from the UK as a corporate events and Do They all enjoyed it so much That Do They Asked If We Could not do the full distance this year. The event was just so well organized and we were having a wonderful time with great spirit and camaraderie as we cycled through lovely countryside,” says Conte. The event was just so well Organized and We Were Having a wonderful time with great spirit and camaraderie as we cycled through lovely countryside, "says Conte.
Vätternrundan starts and finishes in Motala at the north-eastern end of Lake Vätttern. Comfort Bike starts and finishes in Motala at the north-eastern end of Lake lake. Nine combined food stops and support stations assist cyclists along the route, with support vehicles picking up riders stranded between stations. Nine Combined food stops and support station assistant Cyclists along the route, with support vehicles picking up riders stranded Between station. The main food stop is in Jönköping after 105 km, where 29,000 portions of sausage and mash will be served. The main food stop is the University after 105 km, där 29.000 portion of sausage and mash Will Be Served. Another stop to look forward to is at 174 km in Hjo, where 13,000 portions of lasagne are available. Another stop to look forward to ice at 174 km in Hjo, där 13.000 portion of lasagna ARE available. Other en-route refreshments include 160,000 buns, 1,200 kilos of coffee and 25,000 litres of energy drink. Other en-route refreshments include 160 000 Bunsen, 1.200 kilo of coffee and 25.000 liters of energy drink. 4,000 volunteers help ensure that all 30,000 cyclists in the three events can complete their challenge safely. 4.000 volunteers help Ensure are thats all 30.000 Cyclists in the three events cannabis CompleteCare Their challenge Safely.
Cyclists wishing to participate in any of the 2011 events should contact the organisers at . Cyclists Wishing to Participate in Any of the 2011 Events Should contact the Organisers at .