It might not look like much ( it was difficult to get close as it's in the middle of a junction) but it was enough to shatter the bottom of the frame and break off the drop out and derailleur hanger from my beloved yellow Pearson bike.
I'm temporarily back on the fixed for commuting but I feel a trip to the bike shop coming on if son No 2 and I are going to make any more Sunday morning jaunts.
The second was slightly more self inflicted. While surveying the damage on the Pearson and readying the fixed to ride I noticed a rather incontinent pigeon sitting in the tree above me. I decided to shift it by lobbing a stone up into the tree. The stone sailed into the air, hit a branch, was deflected sideways and came crashing down straight through the prespex roof on my bike shed. I only put the perspex roof on about three months ago and a very good job I made of it too.
Some may say it's Karma.
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