Monday 25 July 2011

Paris or bust

A great day was had by all in Paris at the weekend. The grandstand view was magnificent although as Sue pointed out the general public did make the place look a little untidy.

We then moved on to our 'Champs' seating to be closer to the action. Great views but there were some annoying
tourists taking pictures of everything.

The guy is yellow passed us a few times, he's pretty good, he should take it up seriously.

Perhaps I'll ask Luca to invite him to the next SBR run.

After the racing the real fun started when we got to rub shoulders with the teams and see the bikes close up.
Back stage the guys were letting off some steam and talking to the fans. Pretty cool given they had just spent 3 weeks riding 2,100 miles. A few of us tested the weight of Thor's bike. The mechanic said Thor touched 123kph coming down an alp. As Lance might say ' Awesome dude'.

Thursday 14 July 2011

A tough tour

If you thought it was bad riding in the Tour; forcing your very soul to the edge of exhaustion and then being knocked off your bike and thrown into a barbed wire fence, run over by a media car and scraped along the tarmac --then think again.
That is but nothing compared to what is happening to my fantasy Tour de France team! I am trailing miserably, my riders are retiring, I replace them and they break their leg and have to retire too. My team lead the race along for 100s of KM and then fade to the back of the bunch.

Let's hope now the Tour has reached the mountains my riders come into their own.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Tailwind into work

Had an absolutely storming ride into work today. When I looked down it read a touch over 40 minutes on my cycle computer, a good five minutes faster than normal.

I had spoken to Fee about her impending trip to the Alpe d'Huez triathlon so was feeling a bit left out of competition so perhaps I was subconsciously put a bit more in? I was convinced it had to be my legs getting race conditioned for a main event (which sadly does not exist this year).
Later I realsied it was a fierce tailwind which I will have to ride into on the way home so by the end of the day I may be glad I don't have to swim in an icy lake, cycle up three mountains then run a half marathon at altitude --good luck Fee!!