Tuesday 5 February 2008

Optician launches the search for its six brave souls

There can be few sporting events which have the impact on your life that competing in an Ironman event has. For at least four months you have to train, get flexible, get serious about your nutrition and bring harmony to your life. If you think competing in an Ironman event is about pounding the pavements and pedals the hardest and sprinting up and down the local pool --think again.
The key to success in Ironman is steadily built strength and slowly attained techniques which allow you to compete and complete the event in a relaxed and controlled manner. That takes dedication, hard work but above all mental strength.
The payback is not just completing the event and joining an elite club of supreme athletes. It is also about recognising just what you are capable of both in sport and in life.

If you think this is for you and you are an Optician reader drop me an email to put yourself forward for one of the six places we have on offer.

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