I have been stung into action by the note about how quiet everyone has gone. Had a breakthrough ride on Sunday. Four hours of riding covering 80 miles, including some nasty hills, in the glorious early summer sunshine. The picture doesn't do it justice but it was great. The best bit of all was when I did get home I could have got back on the bike and done it all again. I had a good stretch, a protein drink and a bacon sarnie and then went off to the allotment to sort out my strawberry patch and do a bit of strimming. That's the life.
The weekend got even better. I changed my granny block and chain for the standard in preparation for Florida. I still have the compact on the front but this set up should give me a little more to push on the Florida flat. Soaked all the components in parafin, polished them up and gave them a good oiling. My faithful Pearson is now shining like a new pin.
I might even leave the higher gears on for Exmoor and now I have the tools I can even treat myself to a new bottom bracket for the commuter.
Slight bit of saddle rash on Monday but otherwise unscathed, I even managed a 10k jog in between yet more gardening.
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