Saturday 3 March 2007

Living out of a bag ...

Getting confused in the daily concerns about work, family and sports I do not know which bag to take with me ..... work, swimming, cycling, running, tennis and of course shopping.
Beside that I bought a second washing machine for all the extra towels and shirts I use during the week. My lovely girlsfriend insist that I use my towel twice now :-)
And than, bying an new bike. What a choices a IronMan has to make. Carbon of not, which techniques on the bike. Of course we need a suitcase to bring the bike in the plane. It took me 8 hours to find out a bike within my financial limits, thanks Uwe for your help. In 2 weeks I can start the bike trainings

By the way, the dutch journalist Dick van der Niet made me a blogger also. Check and see the bloggs. By the way, this is a good site, also in Englisch.
Having fun during sports !


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