It's springtime, especially in Spain where some sneaky early sunshine was enjoyed by the SBR team management.
There are plenty of sportives on the horizon. Spring Onion on March 13, An Evans Ride on May 1, The SBR Brighton Rock in April, Pearsons Cycles Sutton/ Brighton/Sutton in Mid may, the Little Lumpy also in May. Everyone is holding back but what have they really been upto reading between the lines?
Like pre-O level kidology at school the SBR team are psyching each other out the for ' El Grande' in Sweden this June.
Reports of the early Spanish ride vary. Some say the group was overtaken by a one-legged mountain biker, twice. I bet hopping pedro spent a little longer in the Tapas bar that night with the pesetas palmed for that one. Others say Paul Maxwell (the dark horse) feigned weakness in the hills to keep the others guessing just as Lance Armstrong did to Jan Ullrich on Alpe d'Huez in 2002 Tour.
Proven endurance expert and cycling ninja, Mark had a 'business meeting' so couldn't ride, or, perhaps, be seen on the bike for fear of revealing his strength?
Luca ( rides down an Alp before breakfast and is going coast to coast this summer) is as self-depricating as ever.Perpetuating the myth of the sedentary northerner with the picture below.

Who does he think he's fooling. That rug is simply a veil for those bulging quads.
Sue (I'm taking on Everest this year) hasn't been out on the bike this year but what's this? She foolishly let slip she has had the bike harnessed to a turbo trainer all winter. No doubt the output could have powered half of Sussex.
Where will it all end?