Friday 31 August 2012

A few more pictures from the longest night

Trying to sum up the Le Mans 24hr velo is quite tricky.
You would think that when people ask you what it was like the focus would be on the speeds, distances, cornering etc. Not so. My abiding memories around about the small hours, eating and heading back to the pit area. The range of food rustled up by Kristin was awesome, I had no idea you could eat so much and still be hungry. But as the stats show 26,907 calories is a lot to put back in.
There always seemed to be a specific reason to go back in to the pit and I remember it as a crowded and busy place. Although some of us in there were more active than others.
From the photos it looks calm and quiet, not the feeling at the time as there was usually a heated discussion going on about something. Usually pace and who kept disappearing up the road.
I suppose minute for minute we did spend more time in that room that at any single point on the course.
Banging on about food and the pit lane does elicit some unusual looks. 'Where did you sleep?', is the usual question. How great to be able to say: 'we didn't.' I'll be dining out on this ride for years.

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