Thursday 26 January 2012

Kiss the yellow Pearson goodbye

There was a sad moment in the Optician Editor's house this weekend when I finally had to strip down the old yellow Pearson bike and throw away the frame.

I was having a general clear out so the futon and the snooker table became kindling, masses of books, toys and remote control cars headed for the charity shop and the shed was cleared. The faithful old bike suffered terminal damage last year after hitting a pothole in Epsom. A big section of the frame snapped off and basically that was that. It's been in the shed ever since. I did look into a repair but was told it would cost more than building a new frame, having hung onto the bike for such a long time I decided enough was enough. The Campag components were stripped off and the frame set to the tip. As you can see in the picture we had a brief moment together before we parted.

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