Just a few weeks ago the idea of competing in any kind of event for 2011 seemed little more than a 50-50 chance. After the Monaco half Ironman in 2007, the UK half IM in 2008, The full IM in 2009 and the Alpe d'Huez triathlon in 2010 these old bones ( especially my left knee) were aching.
A few emails and a meal with the team later and it's all systems go.
Next year the plan is for an Optician team to ride the Vatternrundan in Sweden. The 300km ride around lake Vattern is known to some after the coverage of this summer's halvvattern (150km) in the Magazine and on the
The Vatternrundan is the big brother of the 'Halv' and at 300km is not to be sneezed at.
The big question now is how fast will we ride it?
Last year I tagged onto a Bianchi team very much like the one above. This stands out as one of the cycling highlights of my life. For the best part of a hour I felt like an elite cyclist, cruising past an amateur field of riders at an impressive pace. My average speed leapt from around 15mph to close on 30mph -- for a few exhillarating miles at least. I didn't take my turn on the front but I kept out of their way on changes and made sure I thanked the chaps afterwards.
So far for 2011 Fiona, Lyndon and Nigel have thrown their hats into the ring. Will anyone else join us?