A new challenge of riding from London to Paris has emerged for two members of the SBR team
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Wet, wet, wet
Monday, 23 March 2009
The giving starts here
Vision Aid Overseas is the recipient of the money the team raises and money can now be pledged at:
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Ouch -- Mr Bump on a fixed

You might have thought cyclists would like traffic calming, it's supposed to slow cars down after all, but no.
Mums on their mobile phones in the BMW X5 aren't any more likely to slow down for a speed bump than they are for a cyclist. They don't.
Hitting a speed table that's still under contrauction on a fixed a 25mph is a shock. Bump --Ouch.
Time for a new route.
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
The sun is shining
It all started well. John Williams guitar recital for son No 2 in Guildford. On arrival home at 11 it all kicked off. No1 had gone out to a 'party' but by 11.15 was on his way, unconscious, to hospital in an ambulance.
After drips and much poking about they finally let him out at 3.00am. I had promised son No2 a cycle so we set off up Leith Hill at 07.30 back over Ranmore.
As I was feeling good Idecided to add a tiredness run on and did a hot 10km. Not bad but wow, I felt it.
Friday, 13 March 2009
The enormity of the task

This would make a great milestone so I had better get those miles in.
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Small objects of desire
It's official. I have become a glasses geek.
One of the great things about Triathlon is the kit and one of the great things about being the editor of Optician is that you get to try out loads of new frames, lenses, contact lenses, goggles etc.
In the bike shop I can lust over carbon aero bars and Brooks saddles and in eyewear just look at that cut-away and fixing.
One of the biggest elements of triathlon in my opinion is self preservation. Nowhere is that more important than when it comes to your eyes.
Wearing no eyewear means poor vision and no protection.
Ordinary glasses = no wind/physical protection or sun protection.
Contact lenses = ditto + danger of losing one, swimming??
Wraparounds = physical and wind protection but if its tinted what about night time? If its not tinted what about those sunny days?
Wraparounds with Transitions lenses = everything. Okay, it's got a little extra weight and might not go as dark as you needs on a really sunny day but for all round commuting/training a real winner.
Still steams up on a cold morning, but let's face it what doesn't.
Of course there's always Orthokeratology and plano T6, my other favourite combo. I have an Oakley Half Jacket glazed with plano T6 (but one of the lenses keeps falling out) which works a treat and is much lighter. Ahh but it doesn't have that screw.
Monday, 9 March 2009
Back in the saddle

Thursday, 5 March 2009
Optician ironman Team rides again
At the moment the team is just Fiona Molloy and Chris Bennett but if you are a triathloning optician why not send me an email.